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Sobre Konima

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  1. I would but the only ones I've been able to find no longer work for GC Classic on Steam. I use cheat engine often for Dark Souls modding or EDF challenges, so I know I'm not doing it wrong on that front. I was just wondering if it would be possible to speed up the spawn timer itself on the enemies in Dimension Door rather than the whole game. Though I guess if you know of any speed hacks too recommend, my ears are open! :3
  2. I was wondering if there might be a possible method to increase the spawn rate of enemies in the Dimensional Door dungeon. If so that would be kind of hysterical. Abusable, but hysterical. Thoughts on if that would be do-able? I'm not a programmer, so I wouldn't know if the timer associated with the spawning of the next wave can be modified in some way or not.